Nord Names Generator

List of names and a name generator for the Elder Scrolls character Nord.

Nord Names


Nord Names Generator Settings

If you would like to generate more Nord names then click the "Generate Names" button below. Additionally, you can choose the gender of Nord names if you wish to do so.

About Nord


Nord is a child of the sky, a race of fair-haired and tall humans from Skyrim, famous for their excellent resistance to magic frost and cold. Nords highly value community and family.

Characteristics of Nord

A Nord is a strong, fierce, and enthusiastic warrior. There are many Nords who became renowned soldiers, warriors, and mercenaries in Tamriel. Aside from their martial skills, they also stand out in warfare. They are popular as militant individuals by their neighbors. Nords also have nautical prowess as they migrate from Atmora. They can also be stubborn sometimes.


Nords are fair-haired and physically strong. They have strong resistance to cold, tall, and pale-skinned humans from Atmora.

Notable Nords

Some of the notable Nords are: Amgeir, Ulfric Stormcloak, Heimskr, Galmar Stone-Fist, Ralof, Lydia, Elisif the Fair, Aela the Huntress, Legate Rikke, Maven Black-Briar.

Culture & Religion

Nords are devout people that have grim religious beliefs. They believe that the World-Eater Alduin would return and bring the end of the world. Even though some view their belief systems as dark, Nordic traditions extend a shining and bright hope for Nords. Nordic religion focuses on the Aedra and Lorkhan, their old ally.

What are the strengths and features (skills) of Nord?

Different classes of Nords are skilled in different armor styles and weapons. Nords face battle cheerfully with an ecstatic ferocity which appalls and shocks their enemies. They have natural combat abilities, which is beneficial even for inexperienced players.

Their racial skills include Robust, which increases health regeneration during combat. They can gain with the Two-Handed Weapons skill line. Another special skill of Nords is Rugged that increases armor.

Fun Facts about Nord

The following are some fun facts about Nords.

Nords are used to be slaves to dragons

In the Late Merethic Era in Tamriel, Dragon used to rule over humans. The Atmorans worshiped animal spirits and believed that Dragons were the strongest. The World-Eater Alduin was the leader of Dragons and claimed himself as a god.

Nords love arts almost as much as fighting

Aside from loving a good fight, Nords also love arts, including writing, music, and poetry. They value the art of speech and become bards to sing at inns and taverns.

Nords are superstitious

Apart from being a warrior race, they are very superstitious. The names of Nords are chosen by omens and given at a special ceremony when the child is young.

Nords conquered most of the Northern Tamriel at one time

After wars with the Dragons and Snow Elves, Nords conquered the surrounding lands.

A Nord child ended the war with the Snow Elves

The Snow Prince, the Snow Elves ruler, fought in the battle and slew Nord warriors. Among the warriors was Jofrior, who was slain in front of her 12 years old daughter Finna. Seeing her mother killed, she picked up the fallen sword of her mother and threw it at the Snow Prince.

Final Words

Nords are among the best characters in the Elder Scrolls. They have essential skills that make them worth playing in Elder Scrolls Online. They are natural-born warriors who terrify their enemies.

About The Elder Scrolls

Picture a huge open-world teeming with monsters, vampires, and demons. A fantasy land, with influences from real-world cultures, where you may do anything your mind wants. A game that has it all, is Elder Scrolls.

The Elder Scrolls series are one of the most popular action role-playing games in the world. The series of the game has sold altogether over 15 million copies and are popular among players of all genders and ages. The games are famous for their fascinating storyline and feature a wide variety of content - actual canons, battling in wars, breathtaking settings, and saving the world from infamous villains. At every turn, there's a new adventure waiting for you.

In the Elder Scrolls games, there is no single narrative. The games are usually serious in spirit and vast in scope, engaging in themes of a great battle against a supernatural or malevolent power. Each game is independent of others, yet each has a tale that may influence the entire continent. The land where all of the games take place is Tamriel. The relics that tell the tale of Tamriel's past, present, and future are Elder Scrolls themselves. They can be seen from time to time during the games.

Tamriel is split into many areas, each of which is often controlled by a particular race, though most races can thrive together in just about any continent. Each region has its own specific climate. Once, the regions were unified under a single monarch, the Tiber Septim the Dragonborn.

It's easy to get carried away in the tales taking place in the world of Elder Scrolls. One might suddenly feel as if they're a part of them in some manner. By taking on the role of a character, regardless of our chosen race, we are able to live through those tales firsthand.

Regardless of how you like to play, you can easily choose a class for your playstyle. In the fantasy world of Elder Scrolls exists a large variety of races. Some are typical fantasy creatures like orcs and dragons, but some are more unusual - such as reptilian-looking humans, Argonians, or cat-folk Khajiit. The game makes extensive use of magic, magical objects, and dungeons.

In the Elder Scrolls series, each player must truly embody the role they are playing. After choosing a race, naming their character may be one of the most important decisions a player must make in terms of how they wish to portray themselves.

Despite the fact that The Elder Scrolls narrative is an endless river of madness, the madness is all very straightforward, particularly when it comes to character names.

Many races in the series follow pre-determined name standards. For example, the typical Orc names are something like Borgakh gra-Gatuk or Borkul gro-Gilgar. The difference between those names is the gendered prefixes to the last name. The prefix ''gra'' means ''daughter of'' and ''gro'' means ''son of'', whoever the last name had previously belonged to. This means that the Orc called Borgakh gra-Gatuk is a female, and Borkul gro-Gilgar is a male Orc. So, the traditional Orc names are formed by choosing a first and last name, adding the suitable prefix in the middle. In this regard, we have gone out of our way to gather knowledge about Elder Scrolls naming conventions. Remember, that name choosing should not be taken lightly since it follows you through endless encounters and adventures. Our goal is to help players out when choosing the right Elder Scrolls names gets too complicated or overpowering.