Ayleid Names Generator

List of names and a name generator for the Elder Scrolls character Ayleid.

Ayleid Names


Ayleid Names Generator Settings

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About Ayleid


The Ayleids are also popular as Heartland High Elves, Wild Elves, and Saliache. It is a race of elves who ruled the Cyrodiil during the first era.

This race believed that the world comprises four elements: water, earth, air, and light. These elements are also the same in the religion of the Altmer.

Characteristics of Ayleid

The Ayleid is famous for its magical prowess. They acquire a unique magic type called the Aetherial Magic. The Ayleids are considered the cruelest race in Tamriel. They worship both the Daedra and Aedra.


The appearance of Ayleids is lighter compared to the Dunmer but not as pale as the Altmer. The skin tone of an Ayleid ranges from bronze to light tan. They have pointed ears and have a lean and thin body. Ayleids have angular facial features.

Culture & Religion

The architecture of the Ayleid is similar to the Altmer because of their shared ancestor. Meanwhile, cultural changes are more apparent during the late-Ayleid period—the Ayleids practice flesh-sculpting.

The Ayleids use globes, lamps, fountains, and pools of purest magic for lighting their halls. They replace fire with light since they consider fire a corrupt and weak form of light. Their religion involves worship for Daedra and Aedra.

What are the strengths and features (skills) of Ayleid?

The Ayleid has excellent magical skills that allow them to store and manipulate starlight. They store the starlight to the Varla and Welkynd Stones. The Varla Stones can restore enchantments, while the Welkynd Stones are used as lights or storing magic. These stones can also store destruction magic.

Their major skills include Enchanting, Destruction, Alteration, and Conjuration. On the other hand, the minor skills of Ayleids include Light Armor, One-Handed, Restoration, and Smithing.

Fun Facts about Ayleid

The following are some fun facts about Ayleid.

They built the Imperial City and White-Gold Tower

The Ayleids created the Imperial City and White-Gold Tower in the Cyrodiil. They built the White-Gold Tower after the Adamantine/ Direnni Tower, which the Aedra built.

Ayleids mastered a unique magic type

Ayleids possess a unique type of magic called Aetherial Magic. It helps them to control and store starlight.

One Ayleid made two dangerous artifacts

King Anumaril created two dangerous artifacts in Tamriel. He is also responsible for making the Staff of Towers.

A group of Ayleids lived in the Black Marsh

One group of Ayleids known as Barsaebic Ayleids had lived in the Black Marsh.

Most of the Ayleids were killed on the Alessian Slave Rebellion

Alessia, a slave to Daedra-worshipping Ayleids, prayed to Akatosh, the Dragon God of Time, to help free her people. The Alessian Slave Rebellion started, and most of the Ayleids were killed.

Ayleids are favored by Meridia

The Ayleids worship Meridia. Meridia favors Ayleids. It is said that the favorite warrior of Meridia was Umaril the Unfeathered.

Final Words

The Ayleids are among the top characters in the Elder Scrolls series with magical prowess.

Other Elder Scrolls Name Generators

Take a look at our other Elder Scrolls name generators.

About The Elder Scrolls

Picture a huge open-world teeming with monsters, vampires, and demons. A fantasy land, with influences from real-world cultures, where you may do anything your mind wants. A game that has it all, is Elder Scrolls.

The Elder Scrolls series are one of the most popular action role-playing games in the world. The series of the game has sold altogether over 15 million copies and are popular among players of all genders and ages. The games are famous for their fascinating storyline and feature a wide variety of content - actual canons, battling in wars, breathtaking settings, and saving the world from infamous villains. At every turn, there's a new adventure waiting for you.

In the Elder Scrolls games, there is no single narrative. The games are usually serious in spirit and vast in scope, engaging in themes of a great battle against a supernatural or malevolent power. Each game is independent of others, yet each has a tale that may influence the entire continent. The land where all of the games take place is Tamriel. The relics that tell the tale of Tamriel's past, present, and future are Elder Scrolls themselves. They can be seen from time to time during the games.

Tamriel is split into many areas, each of which is often controlled by a particular race, though most races can thrive together in just about any continent. Each region has its own specific climate. Once, the regions were unified under a single monarch, the Tiber Septim the Dragonborn.

It's easy to get carried away in the tales taking place in the world of Elder Scrolls. One might suddenly feel as if they're a part of them in some manner. By taking on the role of a character, regardless of our chosen race, we are able to live through those tales firsthand.

Regardless of how you like to play, you can easily choose a class for your playstyle. In the fantasy world of Elder Scrolls exists a large variety of races. Some are typical fantasy creatures like orcs and dragons, but some are more unusual - such as reptilian-looking humans, Argonians, or cat-folk Khajiit. The game makes extensive use of magic, magical objects, and dungeons.

In the Elder Scrolls series, each player must truly embody the role they are playing. After choosing a race, naming their character may be one of the most important decisions a player must make in terms of how they wish to portray themselves.

Despite the fact that The Elder Scrolls narrative is an endless river of madness, the madness is all very straightforward, particularly when it comes to character names.

Many races in the series follow pre-determined name standards. For example, the typical Orc names are something like Borgakh gra-Gatuk or Borkul gro-Gilgar. The difference between those names is the gendered prefixes to the last name. The prefix ''gra'' means ''daughter of'' and ''gro'' means ''son of'', whoever the last name had previously belonged to. This means that the Orc called Borgakh gra-Gatuk is a female, and Borkul gro-Gilgar is a male Orc. So, the traditional Orc names are formed by choosing a first and last name, adding the suitable prefix in the middle. In this regard, we have gone out of our way to gather knowledge about Elder Scrolls naming conventions. Remember, that name choosing should not be taken lightly since it follows you through endless encounters and adventures. Our goal is to help players out when choosing the right Elder Scrolls names gets too complicated or overpowering.