Githzerai Names Generator - D&D

List of names and a name generator for the Dungeons and Dragons character Githzerai.

Githzerai Names


Githzerai Names Generator Settings

If you would like to generate more Githzerai names then click the "Generate Names" button below. Additionally, you can choose the gender of Githzerai names if you wish to do so.

About Githzerai


Dungeons and Dragons features some of the most magical creatures with mighty powers and enlightenment. One of such species in the game is the Githzerai. Githzerai is a humanoid race that descended from a splinter bunch of gith who were enslaved by mind flayers until they fought for freedom.

Githzerai have amazing psionic abilities and can perform minor telekinesis. They are also able to hone their powers to become capable of casting shield and detecting the thoughts of others. Their defeat by githyanki made them pursue self-knowledge and become philosophers and ascetics. The zerths among githzerai can also reproduce magical effects like plane shift, phantasmal killer, feather fall, and see invisibility spells. Some of them have also acquired the ability to explore the nature of reality and can produce effects similar to haste, blur, expeditious retreat, teleporting, and expeditious retreat.

Githzerai mainly reside in monasteries, fortresses, and cities on the planes of Limbo, while also having fortresses on the Prime Material Plane. Their largest city is Shrak'kt'lor, which is also the military center of the race. Their spiritual capital is the Floating City where they also practice magic and roguish arts. Deep within the chaos is their special monastery Arsanith, while another monastery Zerth'Ad'lun teaches zerthi that lets monks to see the future.

Githzerai are thin humanoids with tall and a bit more muscular bodies. Their skin is pale yellow, while some also sport brown or green skin. Githzerai skulls are usually angular and long with deep eyes, pointy ears and flat noses. Their hair can be black or gray and are properly braided or shaved by the male githzerai. Females wear their hair in braids or buns, while going for unadorned clothes and very simple jewelry.

Githzerai have lifespans about twice as long as humans, but it's not clear if they give birth or lay eggs. They are quite distrustful towards other races and hate illithids and githyanki the most. They have slight rivalry with the slaadi, but both the races unite against common threats.

About Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons is a fantasy role-playing game, which takes you and your friends to the realms of battles and wizardry. Dungeons & Dragons, as the most popular tabletop game in the world, is driven by the creative minds of the players, where the only limitation is ones' imagination.

Players can create their personal characters and determine their abilities, which affects how they deal with creatures they might encounter while adventuring through the wondrous worlds.

When playing Dungeons & Dragons, one must not worry about winning or losing. The game has no general end, since campaigns - a storyline or set of adventures, could continue indefinitely. Therefore, a game could be going on for months or even years, leaving the players with an option to meet up whenever they like and take up the adventure where they left off. Even though the group might fall in the battles with invincible creatures, there can be no losers in the game. All players are considered winners, as long as everyone had fun creating unforgettable storylines and enduring experiences.

Considering that Dungeons & Dragons is a role-playing game, each player lies with a task to truly embody the character they are playing. The character that each player chooses, forms the essence of the game for them. To start off the character creation, it is wise for a player to acknowledge which kind of adventurer they want to portray. Considering this, a player should choose themselves a race, for example, a dwarf or a gnome, which is followed by a class, like a fighter or a barbarian. Each race has its own strengths and weaknesses, as well as racial traits.

Every player has the chance to demonstrate their imagination by choosing the name for their character. This might very well be one of the most important decisions one has to make in regards to the adventurer they like to portray. In D&D, the name gives other players an idea about the character's background, personality, and intentions. So selecting a name should not be taken lightly.

In this regard, we have wandered around uncountable realms, collecting information about Dungeons & Dragons naming conventions. Our mission is to lend a helping hand to players, when choosing the perfect D&D names feel overwhelming.

We have created over 60 Dungeons & Dragons name generators to cover both, player controlled and Dungeon Master controlled races and characters. With our D&D name generators, you can rest assured that you will find a name for your character that feels and suits them perfectly. All of our names are randomly generated, taking into account each race's traditions and naming conventions, so there is an infinite number of totally unique names that you may generate.

Our Dungeons & Dragons name generators allow you to choose whether you would like to generate male, female, unisex, or clan names, if the race is known to have gender-specified names traditionally.

Some races that place value on family and traditions are generally known to hold last names. In that regard, where appropriate, our D&D name generators provide your characters with both first and last names.

We hope that you encounter endless adventures, carrying a name that echoes in the realms of Dungeons & Dragons!